Your kidneys filter blood, but withhold the salt and toxins. Over time the salts accumulate in the kidneys. How can we eliminate them?
It’s simple, take a large handful of parsley and wash very well, then cut into small pieces and put in a saucepan. Add (1 liter) of water and boil for ten minutes. Let cool and pour into a clean bottle. Refrigerate.
Drink a glass every day and see how salt and toxins are eliminated during urination. Parsley is known as the best treatment for cleaning the kidneys. It is all natural!
Properties and nutrients in parsley
• It is a powerful antioxidant and helps to rejuvenate skin.
• Contains beta-carotene.
• Rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and sulfur.
• Rich in chlorophyll, fights bad breath, helps purify the body of toxins and excess fat.
• Rich in vitamin C prevents cancer, heart problems, cataracts, infections, and helps strengthen the immune system.
• Rich in calcium, it is well suited to help cataracts,prevent osteoporosis duringmenopause.
It is very beneficial for children and athletes.
• It is a diuretic, helps eliminate fluid naturally therefore good to help treat highblood pressure as well as promote the health of the kidneys.
• High in vitamins and minerals, it is ideal to help combat and prevent anemia, anorexia, general weakness and mental and physical fatique.
• Ideal for strengthening hair and nails.
• Beneficial in the fight against skin problems.
• Helps to fight ulcers.
Can be used in salads, as garnishes and is excellent in homemade green juices. For recipes: click here
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