Cutting Edge Wellness Workshops
Tired of the same market driven trends
in nutrition and fitness?
Join Frances Michaelson and Lisa McLellan for a series of Workshops. Explore cutting edge content that will provide you with knowledge and a set of practical skills to better serve the real needs of your clients. Each workshop includes 1 hour on nutrition with Frances and 3 hours on exercise with Lisa. Take one or take all three.
Lisa McLellan - Ma Dance Therapy, Ba Contemporary Dance, OAS Pro Trainer, PTS
Learn innovative ways to increase your clients' fitness potential by relieving pain, improving posture, ROM (range of motion) and exercise technique. Regress, modify and layer in skills for best results. Strong foundations support good technique, improvement in all areas of fitness and help to prevent injuries. Effective, safe and fun. These workshops include a handout as well as suggestions for music.
Lisa McLellan – Founder Age Smart Fitness. Innovator of the Age Smart Fitness programs, author of the self care book “All I Really Need Is My Health”, creator and host of TV series on senior fitness and lifestyle habits. Dedicated to successful aging and living life to the fullest.
Frances Michaelson - Licensed naturopath, PTS
In order to truly understand why diets do not bring positive results long term, and why different foods react differently in everyone, we must understand how we were designed. This 3 part workshop will teach you how our digestion, absorption, utilization and elimination constitute the 4 pillars of our health and how they dictate our level of health, how we feel and how we age. A handout will be emailed prior to the session.
Frances Michaelson - President of Muscle Up Inc., a licensed naturopath and a personal trainer. A frequent conference presenter and regular contributor to IHRSA’s “Ask an Industry Leader.” 30 years of experience. Committed to helping others make positive lifestyle choices that create stronger bodies, healthier minds and more fulfilling lives.
Workshop 1 - Date to be announced soon.
Pre Train For Better Results - Shoulder Girdle
Many of our 50+ clients tend to be de-conditioned, are lacking in movement skills and have limited body awareness. Many have pain in their shoulders, neck and back. To address this problem I have created a simple set of pre-training exercises designed to improve the biomechanics of the shoulder girdle (joint), train core integration and improve upper back posture. I chose these exercises for their safety and effectiveness in training Older Adults. They target the problems of rounded backs, chronic rigidity (muscular inelasticity), limited range of motion and pain. Learn this set of pre-training exercises and integrate them into your existing programs. Watch with pleasure as your clients transform.
Digestion, Absorption and Utilization
A focus on the first 3 pillars... you will learn how poor digestion leads to a lack of absorption of nutrients causing cellular starvation.
Includes 1 energy ball
Workshop 2 - Date to be announced soon.
Balance and Coordination
Balance & co-ordination exercises are essential to Active Aging. Age Smart Fitness offers a unique and very enjoyable balance and coordination program using a 4ft stick. Moving the extremities in opposing directions and in different combinations promotes core integration and trains the neuromuscular pathways which support coordination and balance. In this workshop we will explore a 20 minute routine. This approach not only improves the body's physical abilities but has an important structuring effect on the mind as well. Prevent falls! Get stronger and smarter. Fun and effective for either group fitness or personal training.
Includes 1 / 4ft dowel
The 4 Channels of Elimination
We will focus on our 4 channels of elimination - lungs, bowels, kidneys and skin.
Includes 1 energy ball
Workshop 3 - Date to be announced soon.
Strong Foundations – Lower Back
Establish strong foundations to support good posture, exercise technique and stability in functional movement. Learn how to use the sponge ball to eliminate lower back pain, improve core stability and improve foundational technique. These exercises are done on the mat and have been chosen for their safety and effectiveness in training Older Adults. Exercise modifications and progressions are integrated into the exercises. These thoughtful and well constructed exercies can easily be implemented into your existing programs. Tried and true with Older Adults from 50 to 83 years of age!
A Health Plan
Walk away with a plan for you and your clients that will optimize your health for a lifetime !
A handout will be emailed prior to the session.
Includes 1 energy ball
Fill-in the form below and press "CONTINUE" for Payment.
You can also put more details in the message box or call Lisa at: (450) 560-2803
Training Availabilities & Rates
DATES: To come
LOCATION: MUSCLE UP STUDIO - 16647 Bl Hymus, Kirkland, QC
TIME: To be announced
COST: $125 + Tax per workshop or $299.95 + Tax for all three
- Kathy O'RourkeI attended your Balance and Co-ordination workshop and just loved it! I was truly impressed, enlightened and inspired. So much so, that I went back and taught a class! The class loved the dowels. I can’t believe how fun and inexpensive they are. And I loved your choice of music. It was very appropriate. Thank you for an interesting and exciting workout. I love working with the aging population, it is one of my strengths and areas of growth. You have just given me one of my biggest gifts, thank you so much for that.
- Alec DewdneyI really enjoyed your delivery and your message. Your delivery was nicely modulated and really caught my attention. A hard thing to do toward the end of the convention. The plan for engaging non movers was excellent and as a well toned workout nut I found it at times challenging and I always could feel the muscle engagement when I carefully followed your instructions. Well done
Do you have a question you'd like to ask me about fitness or training, advice on stress management or life in general?
Send it to me and I'll do my best to answer it in my next blog post…