Lisa McLellan - Age smart Fitness
Lisa Indigo

Wellness in the Workplace


Age Smart – Work Smarter

Are you ready to provide your staff with a healthy and happy work life? Do you need help in making the changes necessary to ensure your workforce is healthier, happier and more satisfied with their work life?

I designed the Age Smart, Work Smarter program for businesses who want to improve the productivity of their employees, have their employees feel more energetic with improved clarity of mind and freedom from pain and stiffness. This training program is based on activities researchers have found to help maintain mental acuity and physical strength. The Age Smart, Work Smarter program helps focus and concentration, increases vitality and improves overall life balance.

Age Smart, Work Smarter Program


The Age Smart, Work Smarter program is an intelligent lifestyle approach to keep you at your best physically and mentally. The approach uses body/mind integration techniques such as postural awareness, stretch and strengthening, wholesome nutrition, mindfulness and breathing in a joyful and positive atmosphere. The uniqueness of this program is to extract maximum results with minimum effort.The Age Smart, Work Smarter program can help correct physical problems, right poor habits and improve your ability to lead, inspire and give the best of yourself.

I love to help people move.

Active Aging Coach

As founder and CEO of Age Smart Fitness Lisa shares solutions for innovative and enjoyable programming to improve quality of life, vitality and disease prevention. She brings her vibrant energy, humour and knowledge to ignite self-empowerment and motivate even the most reluctant to embrace a healthier lifestyle, a positive attitude and live life to the fullest.

The Age Smart Fitness philosophy makes it a perfect workplace wellness program. Corporations wanting to invest in the wellness of their employees and establish a life-long health program, will benefit from the Age Smart, Work Smarter approach. The approach is good for mature adults and helps to bring physical and mental fitness, flexibility, strength, and health.

Wellness Program

12 habits in 12 months that transform your life

  • 3 Modules (4 months each) – 1 workshop per module

Module 1 - Laying the Foundation

A 3 hour workshop which includes:

  • Motivational talk on taking charge of your life and the impact of the 100 year lifespan
  • Introduction and set up of the Wellness Program including health assessment, measurements & pictures.
  • Fitness class and mindfulness practice.

Module 2 - Inward Journey

A 1.5 hour workshop which includes:

  • Upgrading and integrating new lifestyle practices
  • Progress assessment, measurement taking, pictures
  • Nutrition class and mindfulness practice

Module 3 - Spreading Your Wings

A 1.5 hour workshop which includes:

  • Psychology of happiness
  • Health assessment, measurements and pictures
  • Purpose, meaningful living and mindfulness practice
  • All I Really Need Is My Health - Book / Lifestyle Tips
  • Wellness Program Manual (Step by step)
  • Fitness Kit – (Sponge balls, elastics, weighted balls)
  • Motivational 10 minute video email once a week
  • Age Smart, Work Smarter Celebration

(450) 560-2803

Lisa McLellan - Age Smart Fitness